Join or Renew your PBA Membership by Postal Mail
Join or Renew Online
PBA offers one of the most economical memberships in the region!
Your annual dues can be easily offset by the member benefits!

- Discounted entry fees to club premium rides.
- 10% discount on purchases at participating local bike shops (show your membership card).
- Club insurance as well as insurance afforded by our affiliation with the League of American Bicyclists when participating in PBA sanctioned rides (this is why we have you register on the website or sign the waiver before the ride briefs!).
- Free food and fellowship following the great summer rides and socials (e.g. the After the 4th of July Ride and the Memorial Ice Cream Ride)
- Free classified ads on the PBA’s website.
- ADVOCACY… a voice to improve and protect bicycling in our area!