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1000 Mile Club

Ride and record 1000 miles or more during the calendar year and be recognized at the annual awards ceremony. There are additional recognition "Clusters" for those that ride and record over 2,500, 5,000, 7,500, and 10,000 miles. The preferred logging tool is Love to Ride USA (, but you may log on Strava, Excel or any other tool provided you submit your miles monthly to the club "Awards, Recognition and Statistics" committee chair.  Love to Ride has an IPhone app to manually log miles and ability to link to our Strava protocol which will automatically log your outdoor miles. Indoor miles must be logged manually. The top ten mileage loggers are recognized in the quarterly club newsletter and on the club Facebook group page.  Annual challenge winners are recognized at the February awards ceremony, on the club Facebook group page and in the club newsletter.

For the 1000 mile club both indoor and outdoor miles may be logged.

Birthday Club Rules

- PBA members age 50 and over can become enrolled in the “Birthday Club” by riding their age on their birthday (actually from a week before to a week after).
- “Birthday Club” membership is recognized periodically in the club newsletter, on the Facebook page and at the annual awards ceremony.
- Membership required annual qualification.
- Members over the age of 75 may deduct a mile for every year over 75. Example: a member who is 78 old only has to ride 72 miles to qualify for the “Birthday Club”.
- Members with birthdays in January or February have until March 15 to ride their age.
- There are several  "Open Season" periods each year. These are available to all members, but are included to compensate members whose birthdays are in the "dead" of winter or during the "Dog Days" of summer.
- Qualification is tracked and recorded by sending an email to Cliff Roebuck at "".
- There are three categories of membership: "Vanilla" ages 50-59; "Peaches and Cream" ages 60-69;  and "Rocky Road" ages 70 and over. There are drawings for members in each category at the annual awards ceremony.

- Members age 80 and over who qualify for the Birthday Club are also recognized with the Ron Hafer Award. Ron who passed in 2020 was the first and until 2021 the only member age 80 and over to quality for the Birthday Club.

See the "1000 Mile Club" for logging and notification information.


- Ride the number of miles in the last two digits of your birth year 12 times during the calendar year.
- No more than two rides may be recorded in a single month (but of course you may ride as often as desired).
- If born in 1962 or later ride 62 miles.
- Periodically send birth year, date and miles to  the "Awards, Recognition and Statistics" committee chair. 

    Birth Year         Miles to Ride
    1942            42
    1955            55
    1960            60
    1968            62
    1979            62   
    1985            62
    2000            62

See the "1000 Mile Club" for logging and notification information.

Rider's Cup Challenge

The PBA and Williamsburg Area Bicyclists (WAB) have a friendly challenge to encourage club members to ride outside. Like the 1000 mile club it is for the calendar year. Starting with 2023 all miles for the top 30 riders are counted.

Winning Club:

      PBA: 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024

     WAB: 2018, 2020, 2023

See the "1000 Mile Club" for logging and notification information.

Peninsula Bicycling Association
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