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  • Tour De Fort - Ride Leader & Volunteers Needed

Tour De Fort - Ride Leader & Volunteers Needed

  • Sunday, October 01, 2023
  • 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • 81 Patch Rd, Fort Monroe

Registration is closed

The Tour de Fort is the annual Hampton City Bike event. The club provides  volunteer ride leaders for a number of rides as well as the distribution of club information and interaction with potential members. It is possible to man the information table and either lead or participate in a ride.

The rides are Hampton City events rather that PBA events with ride leader coverage provided by the City rather than the PBA.

Location - Fort Monroe, near Oozlefinch Beers & Blending, 81 Patch Rd, Fort Monroe

Note: Wear your PBA kit if you have one. Please bring helmet, full water bottles / hydration pack.

Peninsula Bicycling Association
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