B Pace (16-17 mph rolling) 30 miles with one rest stop. (at the 17.9 mark)
Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40465701
8:15 AM brief for a 8:30 AM roll
Please arrive at least 20 minutes before brief time.
This is the annual legacy PBA jersey/T-shirt event, so please wear your fondest PBA jersey/T-shirt on the ride and participate in group photos taken during the social.
This annual event honors former PBA volunteer members: Mark Dulaney, Ron Hafer, Don Hubbard, Bill Nuckols, Jimmy Pereira, Bob Richardson, Mike Toole and Brian Utne.
Note: Please bring helmet, full water bottles / hydration pack and chairs or a blanket for the after ride social. The PBA will supply ice cream/toppings and soda.
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